Hard and colour, formal and informal, serious and light-hearted - news and opinion
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Sex, sloppy writing and the Vulcan salute: moving beyond stereotypes in fan fiction
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Australia beats Broadway to host world premieres of musicals
With Doctor Zhivago, Love Never Dies, Strictly Ballroom AND An Officer and a Gentleman all making their international premieres in Australia, I felt there may be a shifting tide in perception of Australia as a great place to launch new musicals.
If that means Australian audiences act as guinea pigs for the meccas of Broadway and West End then hooray for us.
Attracting big overseas investment and employing local talent (we have truck loads of triple threats in Australia) to stage brilliant musicals is very exciting.
It will be interesting to see how we fare in the next few years. Hopefully the trend is only in its infancy and producers will start thinking of Sydney and Melbourne as good try-out locations for brand spanking new shows.
Here's the article, published at news.com.au and the Herald Sun:
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The Hardy v Pyne public opinion saga: celebrating hot air over hard facts
Celebrating hot air over hard facts: the Hardy v Pyne public opinion saga and what it means for democracyWhen ABC columnist Marieke Hardy stated in an opinion piece for The Drum that Federal MP Christopher Pyne was the most hated man in Australia and that she hoped he’d “get attacked by a large and libidinous dog,” public opinion was divided (Hardy 2010). A number applauded the accuracy and humour of the assertion while others were dismayed that public money was funding such “childish” opinions (Crikey 2010; Green 2010b). Four days later when The Drum’s editor Jonathon Green removed Hardy’s piece and apologised to Pyne for “the attack” and its “deeply personal nature,” readers were divided further still (Green 2010b). Catch cries of “democracy,” “free speech” and “satire” were mixed among labels of “personal vilification,” “patronisation,” and “shallowness” (Green 2010b). The vast number of opinions on both Hardy’s piece and Green’s decision to remove it reflect the messy, diverse and complex ethical principles that inform opinion pieces and their reception in Australian society. It will be argued that the significant freedoms Australian journalists enjoy to express (and inadvertently influence and shape) public opinion should not be at the expense of fulfilling their primary role in society to inform, educate and entertain through careful, considered and ethically sound opinion.
ABC (2011b). "Guidance Note: Differentiating Analysis," Editorial Policies, 11 April 2011. <http://www.abc.net.au/corp/pubs/documents/20110408/GNAnalysisINS.pdf> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
AFR (2010). “Election 2010 Results,” Australian Financial Review, 23 August 2010. <http://afr.com/rw/2009-2014/AFR/2010/08/23/Photos/5619a4ec-ae65-11df-b15c-787cc2162e63_00Seats%20after%20election.pdf> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Burman, Tony (2006). "News, opinion and a fuzzy shifting line," CBC, 25 September 2006. <http://www.cbc.ca/news/about/burman/letters/2006/09/news_opinion_and_a_fuzzy_shift.html> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Carney, Shaun (2011). “We get what we deserve from politicians on both sides,” The Age, 15 March 2011. <http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/politics/we-get-what-we-deserve-from-politicians-on-both-sides-20110314-1bufe.html> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Crikey (2011). "A landmark legal test case?" Crikey, 16 February 2011. <http://www.crikey.com.au/2011/02/16/crikey-says-a-landmark-legal-test-case/> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Gallop, Geoff (2011). "What price an ethical media?" The Age, 28 March 2011. <http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/what-price-an-ethical-media-20110328-1ccwp.html> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Green, Jonathan (2010a). "Public amusement not equal to public interest," The Drum, 21 May 2010. <http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/05/21/2905819.htm> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Green, Jonathan (2010b). "Editor's note: The Pyne experiments," The Drum, 1 October 2010. <http://blogs.abc.net.au/drumroll/2010/10/editors-note-the-pyne-experiments.html> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Hardy, Marieke (2010). "The Pyne Experiments," The Drum, 27 September 2010 (republished on Slack Bastard, 4 October 2010). <http://slackbastard.anarchobase.com/?p=21043> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Hariman, Robert (2008). “Political Parody and Public Culture,” Quarterly Journal of Speech, 94: 3. Pp. 247-272.
Harry Potter Wiki (2011). “Parseltongue,” Wikia. <http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Parseltongue> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Hodges, Louis (1986), “Defining press responsibility: A functional approach,” in Deni Elliot (ed.), Responsible Journalism. Beverly Hills: Sage. Pp. 13-31.
Holmes, Jonathan (2009). "You say opinion, I say analysis," The Drum, 8 December 2009. <http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/12/08/2764585.htm> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Hyland, Tom & Gordon, Josh (2011). “Dumb and dumber: why Australian politics is broken,” The Age, 20 February 2011. <http://www.theage.com.au/national/dumb-and-dumber-why-australian-politics-is-broken-20110219-1b0fu.html#ixzz1KKFdDb3I> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Keynon, Andrew (2010). “Investigating Chilling Effects: News Media and Public Speech in Malaysia, Singapore, and Australia,” International Journal of Communication. Iss. 4. Pp. 440–467.
Longstaff, Simon (1992). "Politics, ethics and the role of the media," Living Ethics, Iss. 6 Summer. <http://www.ethics.org.au/living-ethics/politics-ethics-and-role-media> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Maiden, Samantha (2010). "Pyne's just asking for the naughty corner," The Australian, 1 October 2010. <http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/commentary/pynes-just-asking-for-the-naughty-corner/story-e6frgd0x-1225932586263> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Media Diary (2011). "Marieke Hardy, Christopher Pyne," The Australian, 16 February 2011. <http://blogs.theaustralian.news.com.au/mediadiary/index.php/australianmedia/comments/marieke_hardy_christopher_pyne/> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Pearson, Mark and Polden, Mark (2010). The Journalist's Guide to Media Law, 4th ed. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin.
Peterson, Theodore (1963). “The social responsibility theory of the press,” in Siebert, Fred, Peterson, Theodore and Schramm, Wilbur, Four Theories of the Press. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Pp. 73-103.
Rosenfeld, Stephen (2000). "The Op-Ed Page: A Step to a Better Democracy," The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 5.3, pp.7-11.
Tanner, Lindsay (2011). Sideshow: Dumbing Down Democracy. Carlton: Scribe Publications. Book blurb: <http://www.angusrobertson.com.au/book/sideshow-dumbing-down-democracy/23926774/> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Tartnell, Paul (2010). "ABC apologises and pulls Pyne-hate article," Sydney Morning Herald, 1 October 2010. <http://www.smh.com.au/national/abc-apologises-and-pulls-pynehate-article-20101001-160ev.html> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Wright, Maryann (2010). "Pyne and Hardy and Green. Oh my!" Waxing Lyrical and Philosophical, 1 October 2010. <http://maryannsmanymusings.blogspot.com/2010/10/pyne-and-hardy-and-green-oh-my.html> [Accessed: 18 April 2011].
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Gaming and violence - the ACL's flogging a dead horse

Playing violent video games does not turn you into a blood thirsty murderer.
The hypodermic needle model, however you apply it, never works.
I could give you lots of boring references to support this but I won't let you suffer through three years worth of media effects theory. Start here if you are interested.
I'm referring to the comments Jim Wallace, the head of the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL), made about why he opposes people of all ages playing violent video games.
The two main points Dapin portrayed Wallace as making are:
- 150 "scientists, scholars and researchers" argue that violent video games have been found to increase the likelihood of aggressive behaviour, thinking, and so on.
- All you have to do is look at the Port Arthur, Columbine and the most recent Oslo massacre (yes, he went there) to see what he (Wallace) means.
Dapin aptly pointed out:
- Martin Bryant, who killed 25 people in Port Arthur in 1996, apparently enjoyed action films with violence and "video nasties" (which could read pornography or graphic video games). He also liked Babe and The Sound of Music.
- Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who murdered 13 people at Columbine High School in 1999, played sci-fi first-person shooter, Doom. Connecting the dots, Wallace said some Wii games allow people to "use the actual weapons". Wii didn't exist in 1999.
- Anders Behring Breivik, who murdered 69 people in Oslo just under a month ago, said Call of Duty was part of his "training simulation". He was also a right-wing extremist who confessed his purpose of attack was to free Europe from a Muslim takeover. Video games, naturally.

Just because 150 'experts' (and I would love to read their report. It's on the to do list) support Wallace's claim doesn't mean there aren't another 150 who would disagree entirely.
The debate over an R18+ rating opens up another can of worms. In this case, I think their opposition to the rating is actually detrimental to under 18s. Black market, watered down games, and so on. That's for another blog.
If, for a moment, we step back from reading one psychologists report after another, I think it is fair to say that frenzies over the increase in violence is unsubstantiated. This Australian Institute of Criminology report gives a host of reasons why.
Beyond statistics, Dapin's article outlines a few reasons why we don't see people out on the streets emulating what people do in video games sourced from people who, you know, actually PLAY the games.
More than anything, does Wallace really believe using Anders Behring Breivik as the poster child for gamers is in any way fair or appropriate?
Sometimes I wonder whether anyone who opposes such violent games has actually spent a weekend playing them.
If the ACL want to take a firm stance against violent video games and be taken seriously, they are going to have to do a lot better than trying to validate their argument by flawed references to massacres. The fact that it takes a massacre to get their point of view in the media is sad enough (the media should also partly take a wrap for this, since it always becomes a catalyst for the debate).
Anything less just makes Jim Wallace look misinformed, stereotypical and a little bit stupid.
Twitter and defamation: a... likely pair

"Twitter is becoming an essential tool for journalists, but it comes with some pretty tricky ethical and professional problems too.” (Posetti 2009)
Twitter is a rapidly growing social-networking and media-sharing website that attracts over 50 million tweets a day (Beaumont 2010). It would be fair to say that the Twitter phenomenon is changing the way people, in particularly journalists, communicate (Atkinson 2009: 30). Benefits of using Twitter as a journalistic tool include; access to a wide range of sources and news streams across the globe, up-to-the-minute live reporting on events and crisis’, and the ability to expand upon ones journalistic reputation through the accumulation of ‘followers’. However, as Posetti alludes to above, these advantages, if not supported by traditional journalistic codes and practices such as fact-checking and sub-editing, can quickly lead to serious pitfalls that eventuate in run-ins with the law. One of the most common legal and ethical dilemmas that have arisen from journalists’ use of Twitter is the breach of defamation laws in Australia. In this piece, the underlying tension between Twitter and media law and ethics will be examined in light of the 2010 #twitdef saga.
On 25 November 2010, former rural reporter for The Australian, Asa Wahlquist, spoke at a JEAA journalism conference at UTS about her experience covering climate change, of which she directly responded to criticism that there had been uneven exposure to competing views during the 2010 federal election campaign (Whittaker 2010). Journalism lecturer at the University of Canberra, Julie Posetti, live-tweeted during Wahlquist’s presentation, among which were:
Walhquist: “In the lead up to the election the Ed in Chief was increasingly telling me
what to write.” It was prescriptive.
“It was absolutely excruciating. It was torture”: Asa Walhquist on fleeing The Australian
after being stymied in covering #climate.
#jeaa2010 Wahlquist:"Chris Mitchell (Oz Ed) goes down the Eco-Fascist line" on
The next day, The Australian’s editor-in-chief, Chris Mitchell, announced he would sue Posetti for defamation on the grounds that Wahlquist “may or may not have said what [Posetti] alleges” but more importantly, that the claims were false and as such, “there is not protection from the law in repeating accurately allegations falsely made” (Dodd 2010a).
A transcript of audio tapes taken at the conference leaked days later by the ABC confirmed that, while Posetti did not quote Wahlquist word-for-word, her tweets were a fair report (ABC 2010; Media Diary 2010). Nonetheless, Mitchell’s lawyer, Blake Dawson, sent a public letter to Posetti on the 29th holding that the tweets were defamatory of Mitchell because they imputed Mitchell “bullied”, “intimidated” and “personally caused Ms Wahlquist to change her articles to represent [Mitchell’s] views” (Blake Dawson 2010). Underlying such claims was the belief that the allegations were false and, because Posetti did not seek to verify the material, she is liable for the publication and the resulting damage to Mitchell’s reputation as an editor.
What eventuated from these events was a public outcry from fellow journalists at the irony of a newspaper suing for defamation; particularly when Mitchell had been vocal years earlier about “Australia’s ludicrous defamation laws, which act to suppress free speech and enrich lawyers” (Editorial, The Australian, 2004 in Holmes 2010a). On the one hand, Posetti and a host of other journalists -- who discussed the issue on online opinion sites and Twitter via the hashtags #twitdef and #posettigate -- argued that the tweeted quotes were a matter of public interest concerning journalism and politics (Dodd 2010b; Holmes 2010a; Pearson 2010).
However, whether one believes Mitchell’s stance that The Australian gives fair and balanced commentary on climate change (a summary of refutations can be found in Holmes 2010a), defamation law in Australia clearly outlines that if you correctly quote and publish a defamatory statement, you are also liable for defamation (Pearson and Polden 2011: 204). Twitter is a public medium, and by choosing to publish Wahlquist’s comments without cross-checking her facts and pursuing balanced reporting by way of getting Mitchell’s other side of the argument, Posetti exposed herself to libel.
Arguments in the Posetti v Mitchell case is representative of a much larger ethical debate in the often clashing journalism and legal worlds. That is, the grey line between ‘fairly reporting’ a matter of public interest that took place in a public forum and a ‘defamatory matter’ where ones’ reputation is likely to be harmed by publication of information about them (EFA 2006). This balance between protection of individual reputation and freedom of expression that defamation laws seeks to uphold is ethically problematic. On the one hand, the threat of defamation, or ‘libel chill’, can have a stifling effect for the media and on the other it promotes meticulous and quality journalism. The specifics of the Posetti and Mitchell case could be explored in further detail, however, should Mitchell have taken Posetti to court, both would have had defences that battle over (what can be understood in ethical terms as) social responsibility theory. That is, that the search for truth requires considerable freedom balanced against the private rights of others (Peterson 1963: 97-8).
Social responsibility theory works off the assumption that people generally speak in good faith and are in an earnest quest for truth, and yet the theory also acknowledges that the law should protect those who don’t assume their moral responsibilities along with those who do (Peterson 99). Peterson (99) suggests that when one abandons their moral claim to free expression they also undermine their legal claim, however, what constitutes freedom of expression is highly contested. As it currently stands, Mitchell chose not to pursue Posetti for damages and instead demanded an apology over the comments, of which Posetti, in an equally public letter from her lawyer, refused to do (HWL Ebsworth 2010). Therefore, both parties are clinging equally to their legal and moral rights- only their interpretations are distinctly different.
Another significant concern that should briefly be addressed is the dangers of using Twitter as a journalistic tool. There is a great irony in that only a year after Posetti made the opening quote of this piece she would be a case study for her own precautions. To use Posetti’s argument, Twitter may be a useful addition to a reporter’s “kitbag” but it is also a largely uncharted, potentially dangerous medium (Posetti 2009). The question stands whether Twitter should be used for live-tweeting when there is no time for a journalist to check their facts, have it edited and 'legaled', tweet with perfect accuracy, and make the context of the tweet clear in 140 characters.
We can learn from the #twitdef affair that journalists who use Twitter should be aware of the legal hazards of live-tweeting controversial speeches. Furthermore, the case begs the question to be asked, and this is something that could be followed up in discussion, whether specific guidelines for social media may be necessary to ensure ethical journalistic practices are upheld. For example, is everything said in this public space on the record or do you need to get permission to quote someone in a tweet? Furthermore, and this question was posed by Posetti (2009) herself, what’s the impact of constant tweeting on a journalist’s capacity to produce considered, original and quality journalism?
Note: After this piece was published Posetti informed me Mitchell is still threatening her with defamation.
ABC (2010). “Audio backs tweets in editor's defamation row,” ABC News, 29 November 2010. <http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/11/29/3079695.htm> [Accessed 7 April 2011].Atkinson, Cliff (2009). The Backchannel: How Audiences are Using Twitter and Social Media and Changing Presentations Forever. Berkeley: New Riders.
Beaumont, Claudine (2010). “Twitter users send 50 million tweets per day,” The Telegraph, 23 February 2010. <http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/twitter/7297541/Twitter-users-send-50-million-tweets-per-day.html>[Accessed 7 April 2011].
Blake Dawson (2010). Letter to Julie Posetti re. “Defamatory material contained in Twitter posts 25 November 2010”, 29 November 2010. <http://www.justinian.com.au/storage/pdf/mitchellvposetti.pdf> [Accessed 2 April 2011].
Dodd, Andrew (2010a). “The ‘torture’ of writing about climate change at The Oz,” Crikey, 26 November 2010. <http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/11/26/the-torture-of-writing-about-climate-change-at-the-oz-one-journos-story/> [Accessed: 2 April 2011].
Dodd, Andrew (2010b). “Posetti receives letter of demand from Chris Mitchell, and a special invitation,” Crikey, 2 December 2010. <http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/12/02/posetti-receives-letter-of-demand-from-chris-mitchell-and-a-special-invitation/> [Accessed: 2 April 2011].
EFA (2006). “Defamation Laws & the Internet,” Electronic Frontiers Australia, 12 January 2006. <http://www.efa.org.au/Issues/Censor/defamation.html> [Accessed: 2 April 2011].
Elliot, Geoff (2010). “The Australian's Chris Mitchell to sue Julie Posetti for defamation,” The Australian, 26 November 2010. <http://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/media/mitchell-says-posetti-defamed-him-on-twitter/story-e6frg996-1225961470219> [Accessed: 2 April 2011].
Holmes, Jonathan (2010a). “140 characters of legal nightmare,” ABC The Drum, 30 November 2010. <http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/11/30/3080634.htm> [Accessed: 2 April 2011].
Holmes, Jonathan (2010b). “Editor's letter makes for a bizarre Posettigate twist,” ABC The Drum, 3 December 2010. <http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/12/03/3084200.htm?site=thedrum> [Accessed: 2 April 2011].
HWL Ebsworth (2010). To Robert Todd of Blake Dawson re. Julie Posetti and Chris Mitchell, 9 December 2010. <http://www.canberra.edu.au/blogs/vc/files/2010/12/Letter-HWL-Ebsworth1.pdf> [Accessed: 2 April 2011].
Media Diary (2010). “The Posetti Tapes,” The Australian, 30 November 2010. <http://blogs.theaustralian.news.com.au/mediadiary/index.php/australianmedia/comments/the_posetti_tapes/> [Accessed: 2 April 2011].
Pearson, Mark (2010). “Most journalists…” Crikey, 3 December 2010. < http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/12/03/crikey-says-most-journalists/> [Accessed: 2 April 2011].
Pearson, Mark and Polden, Mark (2011). The Journalist’s Guide to Media Law, 4th ed. Crows Nest: Allen and Unwin.
Peterson, Theodore (1963). “The social responsibility theory of the press,” in Siebert, Fred, Peterson, Theodore and Schramm, Wilbur, Four Theories of the Press. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. PP. 73-103.
Posetti, Julie (2009). “Twitter’s Difficult Gift to Journalism,” New Matilda.com, 16 June 2009. <http://newmatilda.com/2009/06/16/twitters-difficult-gift-journalism> [Accessed: 2 April 2011].
Posetti, Julie (2010). Status update on 25 November 2010. <http://twitter.com/#%21/julieposetti/status/7598207160811520> [Accessed: 2 April 2011].
Whittaker, Jason (2010). “Gillard thanked us for being fair and balanced: The Oz editor,” Crikey, 10 September 2010. <http://www.crikey.com.au/2010/09/10/gillard-thanked-us-for-being-fair-and-balanced-the-oz-editor/> [Accessed: 2 April 2011].
Monday, May 23, 2011
Sydney adds another bow to its musical cap by securing world premiere of Strictly Ballroom musical

In a style similar to Doctor Zhivago, producers have decided to test run a musical version of Baz Lurhmann's iconic film in Australia before it has to compete with the 'big boys' on Broadway or West End.
If Australian audiences are the guinea pigs I say all the better for us.
It means local casts and crews are being employed, which supports the great deal of talent we have in Australia.
Furthermore, international attention will fall on little ol' Australia to boost its musical theatre 'image'.
Best of all, the world premiere will help foster a theatre-appreciating audience who feel privileged to be the first to experience the show.
"Last week we announced Sydney was chosen for the Australian Premiere of The Addams Family. I said we’d bring major events back to Sydney - here's the proof," Premier Barry O'Farrell said.
While I hope he doesn't think we are stupid enough to think when he magically jumped into office in March this year all the important contracts that would have been milling for months (if not years) had been signed, this is another win for Sydney's theatre community.
All debts haven't been cleared yet, O'Farrell. If you give us a 1,500 plus seat theatre then I think you can start boasting about how you are moving Sydney forward in the right direction.
Addams Family musical to premiere in Sydney in 2013 but lack of theatre venues keeps more international productions at bay

The award winning musical comedy is set to open at the Capitol Theatre in March 2013.
Based upon the cartoons created by Charles Addams (made famous by the 1960s television series), it depicts a ghoulish American family with an affinity for all things macabre.
The show has enjoyed a successful run on Broadway since it opened in March 2010, having already grossed over $60 million.
Addams Family has also been a crowd favourite among theatre circles, winning Broadway.com's 2010 audience award for favourite new musical and a 2010 Tony Award nomination for best new score (Andrew Lippa).
Minister for Major Events, George Souris, believes that considering Sydney is a 'global city' it should have world class musicals.
“As the preferred location to open this world-class musical in Australia, this is a clear vote of confidence by the producers in Sydney as a major events destination,” Mr Souris said in a press release.
Souris' comment hints at a long-standing rivalry between Melbourne and Sydney for the title of Australian musical theatre capital.
Sydney secured the Australian (and world) premiere of Doctor Zhivago this year, but Melbourne is clearly in the lead with Hairspray, Love Never Dies, Fame, and Mary Poppins- all recently premiering in Melbourne before touring to Sydney.
Events NSW estimates that popular musicals can generate around $3 million per month in revenue for the State or almost $20 million in direct economic impact over a 6 month run.
Yet it is surprising that NSW continually fails to win premieres that are known to generate the most buzz and revenue due to both inter-state and international travel for the first few months of the show.
Producer John Frost will be the first to tell you why- Sydney doesn't have enough theatres.
The Capitol and Lyric theatres are the only venues big enough to house large-scale productions, and the Theatre Royal (with 1200 seats to the Capitol's 2000) is often deemed too small.
Add the refurbishments due to begin on the Opera House shortly and you have the opera and ballet companies who also need new homes.
The result is that theatres are booked up with musical productions years in advance, with only a very limited number able to be shown per year (if companies are to be able to recoup their costs by having longer runs).
In an excellent article detailing this theatre shortage, Elissa Blake quotes Frost as insisting Sydney urgently needs another 1600-seat theatre- and not one "that sticks out like a pimple with nothing around it. It will need to be surrounded by apartments, hotels, restaurants and bars. The public has a ferocious appetite for big musicals and they need to be fed.
"But the government will fart around forever ... you and I will be retired before they approve a new building. The bureaucracy will drive you nuts," he said.
Sydney is set to host the premiere of Legally Blonde in June 2012, which is a positive step for the city. However, I think the greater problem amidst talk over 'winning' new shows is the underlying issue of lack of venues that severely blocks the flow of wonderful international and (arguably more importantly) local works. (The lack of venues and funding for the development of Australian musicals is a story for another time.)
While it is important to celebrate another international musical coming to Australia, especially so soon after its Broadway debut, I think at the same time it is also important to remind the State government of ways it could be championing over the Melbourne theatre market if it only invested in theatre venues.
It really is a case of a lack of State infrastructure blocking supply more than it is an issue of a lack of demand on Sydney audience's part. Consistently sold out houses at Wicked, Jersey Boys, Mary Poppins and Doctor Zhivago have proven that.