Whilst watching Broadway.com's 'Ask a Star' (having waited almost two weeks for an over-due Sutton Foster video-which was well worth the wait), I happened upon Sierra Boggess performing 'Part of your world' as Ariel in The Little Mermaid and found myself a little inspired by her performance.
For almost the entire duration of the song (the ending after the climax as the exception), she seemed completely in character, and for me, brought something more human to the renowned Disney character.
The Little Mermaid is by no means a favourite musical of mine- and 'Part of Your World' is an over-baked song. However, I couldn't help but favourite the video for the base fact that Sierra Boggess gave a wonderful performance. She of course sang and acted well, but she also gave just that extra element of herself to the character that was touching and inspiring.
It appears she does it night after night (which of course is expected-but not always the case).
(It's always nice when you come across something like this. Something small, but a video, recording or interview/quote that you can learn from and keep filed away in your memory to be drawn upon in the future.)
Thank goodness for youtube.